Thursday, March 20, 2008

News w/ a dash of Hope

Got some news from a friend of mine in Detroit who also has ECD. Apparently there's a new Laser surgery/equipment for tumors, especially behind the eyes. He called and got their info, then talked to them on the phone. They do believe the procedure can help ECD patients. It may be considered experimental by insurance folks. But, who cares? Don't think I can put a price on my life!!
So, I plan on calling them, in Indiana (A Dr. Shang), tomorrow, Friday. Will keep you up to date.

Saturday, March 8, 2008


Went in Monday morning for a CT scan of my chest and abdomen. We'll get the results on the 11th. I feel peaceful about it. So, I think God's trying to tell me something there. 'Course, I've tried to give Him this burden, and He promises His yoke is light.
Found something sort of odd. When I inject Interferon into my thighs, it seems to relieve my leg pain quickly. Since it uses the circulatory system and doesn't depend on site, I wonder why this is. Not arguing, mind you. Just curious.