Saturday, September 10, 2011

MRI nap time

I've had an unexplained pain for about the last month or so. It started under my scapula feeling like a muscle strain. So, I tried a heating pad, Aspercreme, Ibuprofen, warm showers, etc.. Nothing has helped.
So, I called my oncologist Thursday for a prescrip refill and posed a question about the pain. Well, guess who's going in for an MRI of his shoulder and upper arm. It's possible the disease has become active and begun spreading down my arm. Boy! One thing after another.
But, at least we're going to see Third Day at Biltmore toward the end of this month. They sing one of the songs, "Mountain of God", that reminds me of the day I was diagnosed, and we sat in the exam room holding each other and crying. "We must go thru the valley to stand upon the mountain of God". His strength thru our weakness.
Which reminds me. I've been writing like crazy lately. I think He's feeding me some pretty good stuff, too. Claim Me, Let Me Shine, Better Man, Thanks, You Spoke are some of the titles. I even have melodies for a couple. I sure miss those callouses. I have to build them up all over, again. I'll be working on both the callouses and the tunes.

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