Thursday, April 1, 2010

Visitation w/ the Physician

Had a nice visit w/ the doctor yesterday. Had a prescrip. that they wouldn't authorize a refill on until I came in to the office.
So, while I was there, I had her check out my left arm. It's been giving me trouble when I drop to do push-ups or reach at shoulder level or higher. Felt bone deep betw. my shoulder and elbow ( Bicep, humerus....). Everything checked out, though, and she advised I lay off the push-ups for a week or so. Prescribed a cream for a rash I've been getting on my shins periodically ever since I had radiation treatments in 2007. Oh, and refilled my prescrip so I don't run marathons in my sleep :-).
Scheduled a full physical, since it's been a year and a half, too. I look forward to that. I just love the way they ask, "Is this uncomfortable", when they're checking a guys prostate. Duh! Yes, it's a tad uncomfortable. But, it needs to be done. I'm approaching 50.
Man!! That just doesn't seem possible. Where did all those years go?!! Wasn't it just yesterday that I was 21?!! I wouldn't go back, though. The years have been way too good to me. I might miss out on meeting my beautiful bride if I go delving into the past. Too high a price pour moi.
Then we had a nice lunch at Chili's, went to Home Depot, picked up my "drugs" and headed home to our little buddy. We had a really nice day.

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