Friday, January 21, 2011

Long Time

Well, Christmas went very nicely. I didn't have any bad episodes, and my wife and I enjoyed a relaxed family Holiday very much.
I do find that the drive back to my wife's and my home after such a trip leaves me absolutely exhausted for several days. Could be the schedule change, the excitement, the expectation. Who knows? But, aside from being bothersome, it's no biggie. I recover from those after few days, and I'm the same old me, again.
I have ever improving news about my Fentanyl patch. I've moved to 96 hrs on a 72 hr patch w/ no big problems. As I approach the 96th hr, I get fairly sleepy. Other than that, I pull off 4 days w/out a hitch. That also means a 30 day prescription lasts pretty close to 40 days. Saves a little moolah over time. :-)

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